Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Survive "The Bomb"

TGIF!  We LOVE the weekends around here.  That's when we pack our things and hit the road for another adventure.  To discover new sights, explore new terrain, learn something interesting, and just have fun.  This weekend we had some great plans until word of "The Bomb" started to spread.  It was a huge storm that was planned to hit Friday night and Saturday.  The weather men told people to stay in and they were cancelling events around parts of the North Island that were outdoors because of the rain and expected 90 pr/hr winds.  Telling people to prepare with torches (flashlights) and food on hand.  Oh great.  Now what?

We had already purchased tickets to the Chiefs vs. Blues Rugby match and there was no way we were going to miss it.  So Friday night we went to Hamilton and braved the weather with everyone else.  The storm hadn't really hit yet so it wasn't so bad.  Plus dad was a hero and got us front row seats in the covered seating area.  The next level below us would have been in the rain.  The Chiefs are a Rugby team from Hamilton so there were a lot of fans there.  They were giving out flags so of course my kids scored those!  It was a great game and the even kids said they had a lot of fun.  I had fun as well.  What woman couldn't when the entire game only lasts 80 min?  I'll take that over a football game any day!


The next day we went to a museum to see Maori artifacts and learn the history of the country.  It was pretty cool.  It was also a kid's museum so there were a lot of hands on things for them to do.  Good for my boys who feel a need to touch everything everywhere we go.

After the Museum we did a little shopping at the mall which is called "The Base".  Picked up a few things for Abby's camping trip next week and a few other things we can't get in our small city of Putaruru.  All in all it ended up being a great weekend.  Regardless of the "Bomb" that we got stuck in on and off here and there we made the best of it and still had fun.  I think we survived it alright. Although I think it wore some of these kids out pretty well.


Jaime Arlene Christensen said...

the bomb I think is hitting Hawaii now too!! its crazy flash flooding here!

Mary said...

Wow!! You guys are getting the full experience