Monday, March 1, 2010

Hmm that’s silly

That is what I thought today as I sat there sitting in my car waiting for the light to turn green.  I was looking around and noticed a woman walking out of the gas station wearing overalls.  “Hmm that’s silly” I thought to myself.  I haven’t seen a grown woman wear overalls in years.  That got me to thinking.  Thinking of how much I secretly love to wear overalls and because it may be considered a fashion no no I don’t wear them in public anymore.  That’s a shame because not only are they super comfy (no tucking anything in or tight waste bands) they hide any and all flaws a human body could have.  Heck, you could smuggle a family of 8 across the border wearing overalls and nobody would even notice.

So that got me to thinking.  What else do I love that I keep to myself.  What are some of those things that make me well…me.  I came up with just a few

1.  I love AFV so much that I actually cry laughing so hard.

2.  I can’t say the word jewelry and have apparently passed that on to my daughter.

3.  I hate cherry’s cooked in things like yogurt or ice cream but love them fresh.  Same goes with Strawberries (except home made jam).

4.  When I eat at a restaurant I have to sit where I can see everyone in the establishment in front of me.  I don’t like sitting with my back towards people and I’ll fight for that seat.

5.  I still count using my fingers. (that’s embarrassing to admit)

6.  I am still convinced that I wrote the song “Built this City on Rock and Roll” when I was in the 5th grade.

7.  I’m pretty sure that the imaginary dishwasher I had as a kid is way cooler than any real imaginary friend.

8.  If it weren’t for spell check you’d have a hard time understanding what I type.

9.  Sometimes I think inanimate objects have feelings.  Like towels, spoons, clothes and anything else really.

10. When I get really scared (like in movies or Halloween) I feel like I am going to get stabbed in the back so I have to sit against a wall or lay flat on the ground.  Maybe there’s a relation to #4.

11.  I have a tendency to us comma’s too often and probably in all the wrong places.  Could someone give me a grammar lesson?

My sister and I have a saying that “there is a little bit of carnie in all of us.”  Carnies are those circus freaks that set them apart from the rest of the human race.  Something that makes them a little different, a little odd.

So what are your “carnies” or things that make you say “hmmm that’s silly”?  Please tell me you have some or I’ll really think I should be put in the circus.


Grammy said...

I am laughing so hard right now! And totally understanding why we are friends. Some day i will make a list for you, just so you will know how normal you really are. In fact I may do a blog post just for for it!

Uzi said...

1. same
2. "ambleance & kidanap"
3. same
4. same
5. same
6. same for some reason
7. does an imaginary family count?
8. somehow I still know what you're saying.
9. you're weird- love it!
10. same, hence feeling in #4
11. exclamation points!!!

Laurie said...

Well, we could almost be twins! I have almost ALL of the same "carnies". In fact I still have some overalls in my closet hoping that some day they will come back in style! And I'll add one more to the list. I like to sleep with the hall light on. How can I expect my children to sleep without a nightlight when clearly I have darkness issues!

Kari said...

I'd have to agree with you on #9. My husband thinks I am totally wierd when I say "how do you think... would feel?" Too funny!