Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birds and the Bees

It has been on my mind lately that I might need to have "the talk" with my soon to be 8 yr old daughter. We haven't talked about “it” at all and she hasn't asked. Does that mean she doesn't know anything? Maybe she's hearing stuff at school or from her friends. Who knows. Until this little conversation we had while walking home from the bus stop made me rethink things with her and how much she knows.

In talking about Punxsutawney Phil (long story how we got on that topic) and she asked how do people know that it's a boy and not that it's a girl. "Well girls and boys have different parts" I say. "They do?" she questioned. I answer with a "Yes. You have different parts that Walker does don't you?" "Oooooh. That's right. But I didn't know all animals were like that. Just Lions and Deer." "Lions and Deer?" I said. Then she explains it to me "Yes, some deer have big.....antlers and some don't. Maybe that's how you can tell the boy and the girl deer apart. And Lions too. The dad lion has a lot of hair around his face, a mane. The girl lions don't. So I guess they do have different parts after all. Oh, and roosters and chickens too."

Well, either I have nothing to worry about with my innocent naive 7 yr old or I am way behind on the "Birds and the Bee's" talk. You tell me.

1 comment:

The Hanson Family said...

~What a sweetie~what a cute girl she is~