Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who wore it best?

Ok don't really answer that! I already know the answer!

If you haven't met my sister/twin well here she is. My sister Kristy and I have gotten to be more alike over the years and this is just one documented image of that. We have the same taste in just about everything. When ever I find a new dish at a restaurant, I immediately let her know about it. When she finds a great top she let's me know so I can get one too. She recently even found a dress she knew we'd both like that she went ahead and purchased it and sent it to me. How many other people can blindly shop for their sister and hit it right on?

When we are out people stop us and ask if we are twins. I had a friend ask if I had a twin sister living in Utah because she swore she saw me at Target in South Salt Lake. She was video taped during a RS lesson for a Enrichment night. When I saw her on the TV I said "oh how nice, that's my sister". They thought it was me. When my kids were little they even had to do a double take.

I love my sister and love that I can talk to her like I am hanging out with myself. Although she lives in Utah and I live in CA we chat every day and all day. I love and miss her to death!


Uzi said...

Oh I HEART YOU! And I'm SO excited to be coming out tonight because we haven't talked in 2 days and I'm really MISSING you!

Can't wait to play and do all the fun and creative things we do...aka eat!

Uzi said...

ps. love the blog! we really ARE the same! :)