Sunday, July 19, 2009

Picture page, picture page

It's that time of year at the Watson home where we take our annual pictures of the kids. It was time for Maddox to take his 3 month picture and with all the other kids having summer birthdays we take pictures of them around this time of year. Although with this new year there was an addition of a child and all the others were a year older, including the one hitting his terrible two's. I don't need to go into it but if any of you have had the joyful experience of trying to get your child to sit still long enough to take a decent picture it's a chore in of itself. Times that by 4 and it's a wonder we got anything worth hanging on our wall. I'd have to give props to the photographer who was wonderful with the kids and had tons of patience with them. He just started clicking away like mad and that was the best thing he could have done. So thanks to him we got some decent ones of the kids. Until next year.....


Grammy said...

They turned out great! It always amazes me that photographers can catch my kids in that one split second when there is a real smile, in between the screaming, crying and running away. (We haven't had pictures taken since Caleb was about 1). I love Abby's outfit.

Sarah Lee said...

I love the pictures. You have beautiful kids. I so need to have pictures taken with my kids but, just the thought of it exhausts me.

Shanell said...

They turned out so cute!