Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In a Jam

What else is one to do with a flat of fresh strawberries that were just picked from the fields? We get the best strawberries I've ever eaten just down the road from the strawberry patch. They pick them right from the field, put them in a box and load them in your car. You couldn't get any more fresh unless you walked in the field and picked them yourself! These babies taste like candy they are so sweet and soft!

With the help of a wonderful lady in my ward she came over with ingredients and supplies to help me learn how to make jam. Yes, this is my first experience making jam. We ended up making 18 jars of jam and I'm thinking that wasn't enough. I may be doing it again next weekend while the strawberries are still good and the homemaking bug is in my system. This jam is just so good. I decided to make bottled jam vs. freezer jam because I just don't have that much space in my freezer for jam. This way the jam can sit in food storage for a lot longer and doesn't require electricity to keep it good. The other thing I like about this recipe is that it takes A LOT less sugar which makes it taste like strawberry preserves and not like strawberry candy. We used the Pomona brand in case you were wondering.

Now I'm excited to make other types of jams and bottle fruits and vegetables when the are at their freshest. Mmmm!

Beautiful fresh strawberries!

Jars ready to go

Cooking in a pot

Just finished in the steamer

The finished product!


Grammy said...

That looks really yummy! Long ago before I had four kids going four different directions I used to can fruit, and make jam. I kind of miss it. The finished product anyway.

I really need to come see you and that new baby, before the newness totally wears off!

Uzi said...

This looks SO good! Can I be you when I "grow up" please!?