Monday, May 10, 2010

You say it’s your birthday….

It was Talmage’s 3rd birthday this weekend.  We celebrated it by doing what any other little boy (or just mine) would want…dino style.  He loves dinosaurs and can name just about any of them we throw his way.  His favorite color is orange so we had to get a little of that in too.  Other than that it was a small family party and we all had fun.

I can’t believe he is three.  So crazy.  Time sure does fly when you are having fun and he is all fun.  Minus a few meltdowns here and there but I guess it comes with age.  He is a pretty funny kid.  Uses all sorts of different and weird voices, loves to pretend to be a dinosaur or puppy but will ask first if he can be one.  “Mom, can I be a t-rex?” or “can I be a puppy?  What is my name?  How about hopscotch.”  What ever makes you happy little guy.

Glad to have him a part of the family even if he does keep his other brothers up late at night!  Now go to bed already!

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Grammy said...

He is an awesome kid... and so is that cake!

Uzi said...

I LOVE T-BONE!! Happy Birthday funny guy and I can't wait to play with you this summer. Bring some of your cake, it looks Dino-licious! Rarrr!

Makenzie & Jordan said...

Seriously. Did you make that cake? You amaze me!