Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break is OVER!

Are you as excited to have school back in session or is it just me?  I thought that if we kept busy during the week then it will just fly by and there will be no reason for anyone to get bored.  We did have a few days of fun.


OUT SICK!  Way to start off the week!



CALM with some friends

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I had a Dr. appointment and the kids played at Grandma and Grandpa’s.  From what I hear they enjoyed snacks, playing with toys and Grandpa’s famous Pinewood Lake boat ride.



Made 2 dresses with Brooke for her daughter Allie.  They have two weddings this summer and why not make them?  So far they are turning out really cute.



My sister Kristy came to visit for the weekend.  We spent the day in Pasadena where we shopped, had lunch and were ready to go to the kids museum until little T got sick.  Check out the before (when he was having a good time) and the after (when he puked in the check out line at J Crew) pictures.  Good thing I had a sweatshirt for him to get sick in.  I also thank the nice cashier who handed me a pump bottle of hand sanitizer after he puked all over himself and his little brother to whom he was sitting right across from in the stroller.    

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Went to a family birthday party for my niece who is turning 1.  Then Kristy took some pictures of the kids.  Some last “little girl” pictures of Abby and some of the boys so I can finally finish their bedroom.  I’m dying to see them.  I’ll post those later.

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Easter Celebrations at 7:30 a.m.  It was freezing!



Visited the Insect Lore in Shafter with our great friends the Devan’s.

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Now on to another busy week and more fun activities this weekend.  Stay tuned….

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