Friday, April 16, 2010


Maddox has turned 1!  I can officially say that my baby has turned 1.  When did this happen?  It seems like he is only 4 months old.  Oh Maddy, don’t go growin’ up on me like that.

Our Maddox has been a great addition to our family.  He is so much fun.  He is such a good boy.  Really he is.  He never fusses (unless his older brothers are using him as a rag doll to toss around), rarely cries or makes much noise which is nice while driving around in a car full of other loud kids.

His smile and eyes keep me mesmerized and I just can’t get enough of him.  I miss him when he sleeps and can’t wait to hug and hold him when he lets me.

To celebrate, we had a small party with some family and friends in honor of the birthday boy.  A party full of fun, food, games, excitement, laughter and a lot of color.  It was a great night!

So let’s hear it for our boy!

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Grammy said...

I am officially hiring you as my party planner for our next party. I can't believe your baby is one, time goes by too fast.

Laura said...

That sure went FAST! I hope your' doing OK! I've changed my blog address. you can find me now at