Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

See full size image                vs.           

It sure wasn’t me!  And if your cookie jar is full of this years Girl Scouts version of Thin Mints it probably wasn’t you either.

I never do this.  I’d rather let things be but I couldn’t let this one go.  Here is a recent email I sent to the good old Girl Scouts of America in hopes that they will hear my cry and maybe yours too.

Dear Girl Scouts of America,

I am like every other American who looks forward to spring.  That one time of year that girl scout cookies are available.  I have always placed a hefty order to make sure they can last me through the year (ends up being a few months).

To my surprise and dismay I was sad to see and taste some unwelcomed changes to some girl scout cookies.  Is that even possible?  Why would anyone mess with such a perfect item?  The perfect recipe.  But they did.  I (and am sure others can join me) DO NOT like the new Thin Mints.  They look different and more importantly TASTE different.  I have given them away because they just aren't the same.  I thought to myself  “was I sold some kind of  knock off cookie?”

I have family in a different state who luckily order by the cases too and were so kind to share their classic Thin Mints that have not been messed with.  I love those much better.  They are the original, the real thing.

Please go back to the way things used to be.  The way they should  be in the perfect world of girl scout cookies.  If not I may have to start purchasing out of my area to get the better ones again.

Thank you,

A sad cookie lover

Here is their response a week later


Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your message to Girl Scouts of the USA. We're sorry you are not satisfied with the GS Cookies you purchased. We will share your comments with our Cookie Review Team here at the national office and with our Bakers. Thank you for contacting our national office.

Girl Scouts of the USA
Building girls of courage, confidence and character
who makes the world a better place.

Now if their mottos is true they can start making the world a better place by correcting the Thin Mint cookie!

1 comment:

Uzi said...

Too bad you didn't add into your letter just how much our family loves their cookies. So much that the large consumption of GS Cookies forced my sister to get kicked out due to her siblings eating all her customer's order.