Friday, October 16, 2009

Night at the Fair


Every year we enjoy doing one of my most favorite things.  Go to the fair.  I’m not partial to any one fair, just all fairs.  Maybe it started years ago when I would go to the greatest fair in St. Louis with my family.  So what is it that get’s me so excited?  Could it be:

A)  The cool rides that they charge an arm and a leg for?

B)  The exhibits (including all the hundreds of animals) that only the creator could truly understand and appreciate?  

C)  The smokin’ entertainment (thank you Rick Springfield)!

D)  The awesome people watching? 

E) All of the above.

If you answered A,B,C,D, or E you would be wrong.  It’s


I LOVE fair food.  I especially love the roasted corn that is a must every year.  Now there is something new.  I find myself to be quite a food fair connoisseur so when I take time to give a shout out to my new food fair find, don’t take this lightly. 

I’d like to give a shout out to Boy Scout Troup 80 who have been giving the residents of Kern County a real reason to go to the fair.  It’s their creation of the DEEP FRIED S’MORES!  No fair will ever be the same thanks to those great boys!  If you missed it this year I am so sad for you.  Mark your calendar and start counting down. 


Although I love the food, my kids go for the horse ride they have done the past 3 years.  The only time they get to ride a real horse!  Thank you Kern County for another successful year at the fair!

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If you have any other great secrets of finds of the Kern County fair, please share so we all know what to schedule for next year!


Jam said...

three cheers for county fairs!!! Gone are the food fest fair days of our youth though (sigh) when we bragged about eating our weight in roasted corn, corndogs, cotton candy, navajo tacos, funnel cakes more roasted corn. Boy Scout Troop 80 you are my new heroes!

Janna said...

Hmmm. Not sure about Deep fried smores...I do always have a baked potato provided by another boy scout troop. Looks like you guys had fun. And you were nice parents and let your kids ride an animal.