Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This little piggy went to the....Doctors!

So this is the culprit. This is what has given my little guy a temp. of 101.5. This is what has made him want to be held for two days straight. This is what landed him at the doctors office in the surgical room to have it cut and drained. Poor little guy! He's been healing nicely and it's great to have our Talmage back again. It's no fun to see your baby so sick!


Grammy said...

Um, ouch, poor guy! What did he do?

Uzi said...

Yikes! That think is a giant worm! :( So sorry to hear! Oh by the way, how's your tail bone? :)

Janna said...

Gross! Poor Talmage. That looks exactly like what happened to Jared's finger. Glad he's better.